“Neurotica: Writing the Erotic for the Neurotic
Or how to write about our bodies gleefully, even when we might experience them fearfully.
This six week writing workshop will invite writing and art around the sexual, sensual, intimate and playful. Designed for those of us who are just a little inhibited, as well as for those of us who are less so. We will explore a spectrum of the sexual from gender identity, explorations of love and intimacy, sexual trauma, and personal healing through writing and arts practices in the safety of an AWA facilitated course.
No prior experience in writing erotica required, just a willingness to be a bit curious
Dates: Mondays starting October 23, 2023. Runs for six weeks.
Times: 10:00-12:00 Central Time (click here for a time zone converter).
Cost: $ 200 for the series of 6 workshops
Sliding scale: I have a critique of capitalism and socioeconomic inequity. If your income has suffered because of Covid, capitalism, racism, sexism, disability, transgenerational poverty or other forms of economic oppression, if you are a full-time student, if you are a starving artist, or if you work with refugees, let me know and we will work something out. If you can pay more and would like to subsidize someone who cannot afford to come that is also welcome.
“Take this course, take the leap, it’s worth it. This course with Meadow was surprisingly not scary. It allowed for depth, heart and meaning.
I suppose Neurotica suggests pornographic, raw. But I found it tender and caring.” –Ellen
“In Neurotica, Meadow facilitates writing on topics that can be embarrassing, scary and dangerous with a grace, skill and humour that leave the writers in her group feeling able to say anything because we know we are safe. I want this to run because I want to write with Meadow again on topics I don’t have the nerve to look at on my own.” –Bridget
The opportunity to write and share in public about topics that are often conventionally private is a very radical offer, because developing that practice has collateral effects, on potentially everything in writing we feel may be “too much” in the public world. Above all, these are our griefs, sufferings, and traumas that we further suffer from keeping inside (not that we don’t already have these around intimate matters themselves). Yes, it might feel a bit exhibitionist and voyeuristic at first, but as the group grows, and models sharing, and grows in trust over the ten weeks, the opportunity to share what you may have always wanted to share but didn’t dare to can become seductive (and will be well-received by others). Highly recommend this one. Meadow’s facilitation is expert.” –Snow Leopard
” I was nervous about sharing my raw writing, and unsure what to expect of a group writing experience. But Meadow’s prompts were specific enough to direct my energies, and wide enough to let my creativity run free. The way she structures the sharing/response portion of the course is 100% supportive. I left every class feeling like there was real value in what I had written and inspired to keep writing. So grateful for this experience!”–Samantha
“This group creates a great sense of camaraderie in what might seem the most difficult to share experiences. Meadow is an excellent, compassionate facilitator and soon one gets over one’s self-consciousness and writes one’s true experiences, whatever those might be. It’s a profoundly empowering group and the ideal environment for developing self expression and learning about others’ selves.”– Jonathon